And we plod on – reassuring, encouraging, walking alongside

I was at the Birmingham Methodist District staff meeting today and the discussion turned to reactions to the impending ‘second wave’ of the pandemic.  Although many were expecting this, the reality is still tough to digest and a weariness of ‘here we go again’ is setting in. This is certainly the case with our clients and many remain fearful and uncertain.

In the face of this, the Adavu staff and volunteer team continue to walk alongside survivors, supporting them in evictions, benefits, accessing health services, feeling heard and understood and liaison with legal representatives. But we have also increased our support with a new staff member carrying out regular telephone wellbeing calls, and accessing funding to provide tablets and online access to the most isolated of clients.  This is some feedback we had last week on this from a client who said,

She said she was very grateful for the call and said how just a phone call to let her know someone was thinking of her meant a lot, and that the staff at Adavu truly care and are so supportive. She said the calls make her feel warm and thought of, and that recognition was so important. 

Perhaps, then, one of the most important things we at Advau can do at the moment, alongside our usual support, is to offer hope and strength in these troubled times that this prayer shared this morning communicates:

There is a tiredness,

an un-quickening of hope,

a slowing down of effort……


we have splinters

from the constancy

of keep on……..


When these moments come,

as they naturally do, O God,

look at us face to face,


and in meeting us there,

whisper our names,

a sound we love….


and may it be enough

for us to draw your breath

and be raised again.