The Adavu Project works hard at supporting adult survivors of modern slavery rebuild their lives. There has certainly been no shortage of that this week! This includes: supporting a lady, recovering from a recent serious operation, in registering with a GP; assisting a new mum at risk of a rogue private landlord; and helping a client access specialist legal support. Not to mention attending GP and solicitor appointments, applying for a school places and helping clients secure appropriate accommodation.
But amongst our aims is also to raise awareness of the issue of modern slavery and advocate for justice. So we were really pleased to take part in an interview with the UCB Radio station this week, commenting on the new statistics for modern slavery that have just been released, and what the gaps are in the support of victims.
We are also now an official Co-Signatory to the United Nations and Redress for the Civil Society response to the UN Committee against Torture’s (CAT) review of UK compliance to the Convention, to be published shortly. Watch this space!