Adavu offers a package of integrated and ongoing support to help survivors to take the next steps towards developing life skills, accessing benefits, training, education, and employment as well as access to trauma and therapeutic provision.
Adavu is based in Birmingham but we take referrals from across the West Midlands Police area for our after-care service. Our main area of work is to support men and women who have left the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), usually with a positive Conclusive Grounds decision. Please refer to the link below for more details on the NRM process as outlined on the National Crime Agency website.
If you are a practitioner supporting a survivor of modern slavery and would like to refer someone who has been through the NRM process, then please contact us for an initial discussion and referral form. We would kindly ask you to include as much information as possible as this will help us assess more accurately if we are able to help and to accept the referral. Please be reassured that we will treat these details with the utmost confidentiality.
If you are unsure whether the person concerned has been through the NRM process then you may wish to phone us for advice and/or support on how to share information with the relevant authorities.
We will also consider accepting referrals for pre-NRM clients who: are in an emergency crisis; have been referred by a trusted partner organisation, and who are requiring support to consider entering the NRM process. Where the client does not meet this criteria, we will signpost the client to other support organisations.
Please note that Adavu does not investigate or ‘rescue’ people.