We support adult survivors of modern slavery (men and women) within the West Midlands. The trauma of being a victim of modern slavery has a lasting impact on an individual’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Most survivors find themselves having to start a new life in an unfamiliar town. Some of the people we support are moving on from Safe House accommodation provided through the NRM mechanism and are taking the first steps to leading independent lives after many years of having everything about their lives controlled by those who exploited them. Others are waiting to have their case assessed.
Our Support Workers meet with each client and together they identify their immediate needs (such as accommodation, clothing, food, access to healthcare, securing benefits). We then work with them on longer-term goals that may include going to college, accessing employment or voluntary work, or connecting with local social networks and organisations such as Parents and Toddlers, cultural groups or places of worship.
Isolation and loneliness is a big issue for most of the people we work with. As well as individual support, we also organise occasional social events and drop-ins with the help of a small team of volunteers.